Give to CNSI

Give to CNSI

Cingulum NeuroSciences Institute is a nonprofit and tax-exempt, 509(a)(2) corporation. It is also a New York registered charity (#41-63-33).

Our cingulocentric perspective on brain research leads to resolving issues that are often overlooked such as our current efforts to establish the brain alterations induced by harsh adolescent physical abuse and that are not well supported by established funding mechanisms (NIH, private foundations).

Once we understand the pivotal nature of cingulate impairments evoked by such events, we will be able to develop therapeutics proximal to the abuse events to block adult-onset psychopathologies such as depression, panic disorder, and numerous somatic pain and chronic stress disorders including child abuse-related posttraumatic stress disorder.

Scientific research is very expensive due to costs of equipment, animals and personnel for preparing and analyzing the brains. Every contribution, large or small, will enhance our ability to bring Hope, to Survivors through cingulate research.

There are 3 categories of financial needs:
  • General fund for computers, software, and other operating activities including overhead.
  • We need a digital analysis system and support for supplies and a technician to process human brains.
  • We need the costs of supplies, animals, equipment and a histological technician for studying the abuse model which now needs to be extended into adulthood.
Contact Us

Dr. Brent A. Vogt
4435 Stephanie Drive, Manlius, NY 13104

15% of all donations will go to the general fund. All contributions are tax deductible and will be followed by a Donation Letter for the Internal Revenue Service. Depending on the size of the donation, Dr. Vogt is available for consultation and visits to CNSI along with short presentations regarding our mission and research strategy and specific issues of current or personal interest.